A warm welcome to our website.
At Knighton Mead, we strive for excellence. We endeavour for all children to have special and happy memories of their time with us and through positive relationships between staff, families and local academy councillors we hold true our values of Be Kind. Work Hard. Strive for Excellence.
Children get one chance for an education and at the core of our curriculum is the belief that all our students are entitled access to the best which has been thought, said, written and created in all subject areas. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to make them lifelong learners. Highly skilled and committed practitioners ensure that children make better than expected progress and are equipped for the next step of their education.
Character Education underpins the curriculum at Knighton Mead, ensuring that all children have the positive learning behaviours required to be successful. Everyone’s Welcome is embedded to guarantee that children are fully prepared to embrace the diversity of the world around them. Becoming a positive global citizen is also at the forefront of learning and children have an active voice in extra-curricular activities such as achieving the Green Flag award and raising money for local and national charities.
Students’ safety and wellbeing is of paramount importance, so we seek to make sure that they thrive, are protected from harm, and are well-equipped to make wise choices. Our excellent pastoral support system ensures that students are helped to do their best and are happy in school. Students feel safe, nurtured, and supported.
Knighton Mead is situated in the heart of Leicester City and embraces the links with local sports clubs, such as Leicester City Football Club and Leicester Tigers Rugby Club, as well as the wider community. Our broad and balanced curriculum is enhanced and enriched by every class experiencing trips offsite and/or workshops/ visits each half term. We also have a specialist dance teacher. A variety of clubs are offered before, during and after school – all of which are free to our families.
We would be delighted to show you around Knighton Mead Primary Academy, for you to feel the inclusive atmosphere, give you the opportunity to meet the staff and see the children as they work hard and enjoy the ambitious learning here at our school.
Please phone the school office or leave us a message to make an appointment to visit. We are committed to updating our X (formerly known as Twitter) page across the week so you may also wish to follow this link to get an insight in to school life at Knighton https://twitter.com/knightontmet.
If you have any Safeguarding concerns about a child at Knighton Mead outside of school hours, please call Social Care on 0116 4541004 or email [email protected]. This email will be sent to all safeguarding leads at the school.
Miss Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith, Principal