At Knighton Mead we follow the White Rose scheme for Maths. The scheme is used to enhance the learning experiences of pupils and ensure that they are accessing tasks that are of an appropriately challenging level. Our approach ensures that our children have full coverage of the Maths National Curriculum and to allow our children to revisit topics several times over the year allowing their knowledge to embed. 

At Knighton Mead, we believe that mastery is achievable for all. White Rose combines the best of both ‘mastery’ and ‘spiral’ approaches in the curriculum. It follows many mastery principles: 

  • Longer on topics to gain a deeper understanding 
  • Making connections 
  • Keeping the class together on the same topic 
  • Through effort, all pupils are capable of understanding, doing and improving at maths. 

At the same time, recognising that spending a good chunk of time on a topic doesn’t mean all pupils will ‘master’ it the first time they see it. They need to do it again and again in different contexts and different years to truly develop their understanding on their journey to mastery, therefore building in revisiting and reinforcing activities are important features of a spiral curriculum too. 

As highlighted in the National Curriculum we focus on the 3 areas of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. The children have many opportunities to use their mathematical knowledge, through Everyday Calculations, and the Main Maths session.  

Times Tables knowledge is an integral part of any maths curriculum. Children are expected to be able to recall all their times tables by the end of Year 4. All children from Year 2 to Year 6 are given the opportunity to access Times Tables Rock Stars. This is a website that lets children practise their times table in a fun, engaging and rewarding way. 

Subject Leader/s

Miss Lambert